Chronicles of The Shoestring Diva

By offering "how to" advice and bargains, the Shoestring Diva is your go-to-person for living life to the fullest... on a budget. Each dilemmas is tackled with funny, practical and informative solutions. Comments and emails are welcome.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

You might be cheap if...

How do you know when you are being cheap or just frugal?  This very thought crossed my mind when I realized I drove over 5 minutes to save only 2 cents in gas.  I was just being cheap.  I must fight the urge to cross the border into Cheapville.  Frugal living is not about finding the lowest price at any cost.  It is wisely budgeting and seeking the best value for all aspects of life.  I have comprised a top ten list to help us maintain our citizenship in Frugal Town and not visit Cheapville.
You may be cheap if:
  1. You waste gas by driving out of your way to save on less expensive gas. 
  2. You celebrate holidays the day after the actual holiday so you can get gifts half off.
  3. You make your own lemonade at a restaurant by ordering a glass water, asking for lemons and adding sugar.
  4. You only purchase items at Target on the 75% off rack even though it doesn’t quite fit.
  5. You haggle on the price of a knock off designer
  6. You force your family to wear coats and blankets indoors because you don’t want to turn up the thermostat
  7. You preference your purchases by saying “it’s not that bad, I can fix it up.”
  8. The store clerk immediately directs you to the expired baked good section. 
  9. Your idea of a vacation is only visiting places where your family lives so you don’t have to pay for a hotel. 
  10. You keep the coffee cup from a restaurant in hopes of getting a free refill.

Don't be a Cheap Charlie!!


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