Chronicles of The Shoestring Diva

By offering "how to" advice and bargains, the Shoestring Diva is your go-to-person for living life to the fullest... on a budget. Each dilemmas is tackled with funny, practical and informative solutions. Comments and emails are welcome.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Bills, Bills, Bills

Greeting Everyone! I was posed with this question on the Shoestring Diva Facebook page this week.

Dilemma: Mista Johnson wrote: How do I pay rent at an apartment, 1/2 house mortgage, child support, lights, student loans, credit cards, eat and live on public service pay?? Tell me that?

Diva Solution: Ok Mista Johnson, you have a lot going on in your world. Hopefully I can help alleviate some of the stress. You may find getting a roommate will help reduce cost. I bet you have a lease on your apartment. Some complexes will reduce your monthly lease if you pre-sign a longer lease. If they know you are staying around, they mayl give you a break on the cost.

Like any faithful parent, you want to make sure your kids are well taken care of. Consider petitioning the court to consider your ½ of the mortgage payment as part of your child support. If your children live in the house in which you are paying the mortgage, you are providing for them. If there is any difference based on the state standard of configuring child support, have that amount deducted directly out of your paycheck. Make sure before the end of the year, you and your children’s mother discuss income tax child credit and deductions. Daycare, incidentals, and college plans may all be considered as a deduction by the IRS.

Try to use energy efficient light bulbs. Set your thermostat below 70. Really it’s 68 but we are from the south and that is kind of cold. Unplug any unnecessary electrical items. Most importantly, turn off lights when they are not in use.

Student loans and credit cards are the nemesis of most Americans. Many student loan companies have programs that allow you to get on your feet while keeping you good credit. By filling out a simple form, your student loan can be place on forbearance or deferment. Either of which postpone or delay payment. Interest does accrue. You may also want to try interest only or reduced payment plans. Consult your student loan company and your financial planner to figure out which program is best for you. This great website will help you with public service loan forgiveness programs.
Some credit card companies will reduce your interest rate if you have a good payment history. Call your credit card company to negotiate. A lower interest rate means lower payments.

Try cooking at home and taking lunch. Did you know that one jar of spaghetti, ground turkey and pasta can cost as little as $5.00 and can feed a single person for at least 3 meals? Use coupons when eating out and at the grocery stores. Just between you and me, I occasionally go grocery shopping in my parents’ pantry and eat at my in-laws when funds are low. Sometimes, happy hour at your local pub or restaurant has free food. Free always saves money.

I know living life on a modest is not glamorous and it takes some finagling but it can be done. I wish you the best of luck and thanks for calling asking The Shoestring Diva. Smooches!

Please be advised that this advice is one Diva’s opinion. This advice is from research, observation and personal experience. No solution is guaranteed.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

More gift bags than you can handle

Goodbye to Christmas and hello the new year. The holiday season is a time to share love and blessings with family and friends. In my family, we start on Christmas Eve. My in-laws have a tradition of celebrating with a pot-luck dinner and exchanging gifts. As much as I love receiving gifts, I find that I have tons of gifts bags left over. I reused a few of them for Christmas Day gifts but now that the gift opening is complete, what do I do? Here are a few tips that will save time and money.

1. Save gift bags and boxes for another occasion. Be sure to lay them flat so that they will remain straight. Store multiple gift bags either within another gift box or between mattresses. I know the mattress sounds funny but think about it. They will remain flat and you will know where to find them.
2. If you are eco friendly, use the gift bags instead of plastic bags to carry groceries. Be sure not to place items that are too heavy in the bags.
3. Use the gift bags as a tote for lightweight items. Carry them to meetings or even for school products. You tote will be stylish!
4. Store old clothes, small toys, papers, bills, etc. It beats buying a new storage unit or file cabinet.
5. Using the bags to organize hardware items such as nails, screws, screwdrivers , etc .

There are some downsides to reusing gift bags:

1. Santa may be looking at you on Valentine’s Day if you use it for storage. The plus side is he will make you feel jolly if you got no candy.
2. You may give the same gift bag to the person the originally gave it to you. The plus is you can say they had good taste.
3. You friends will think you are crazy when they see you carrying your papers in a gift bag instead of briefcase. If you are wise, you will use a bad that matches you outfit.

Regardless of the small number of negatives, reusing gift bags is economical and eco-friendly. A warning to all who gave my family gifts this holiday season: you will probably see your gift bag again.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Diva Is Born

Welcome to the inaugural blog for The Shoestring Diva. I bet you're wondering what makes this lady know her stuff and why in the world would I care what she has to say.
Well, living on a budget has taught me many lessons and I would like to share them with the world.

My guest divas and I will tackle each "dilemma" with informative, funny and down right practical solutions. I welcome your emails and comments. I am here to help and offer advice.
Thanks for following The Shoestring Diva.